| Hispanic• Markets• strategic • consulting | Wilfried-Ellmer-Consulting-Group™ | german-spanish-business-development | german-latin-business-network | business | support | network | logistics | branding | marketing | visibilty | personal id | corporate id | visibilidad profesionales | € 453 budget starting point - we make a visible difference with that budget… | token based marketing | yook3.com |
Choose a business field (topic of interest):
Then click the link to enter in details…
• Latin America Business Development
| get connected | key player network | expat manager network | distribution channels | LATAM marketing campaigns | € 453 Budget | € 5.000 budget | german mittelstands companies | use our existing connection network in Latin America | test our method without risk on mini budget - see what you get - do more if working |
• Business Training and Advisory
| Culture Competence Latin America | mentoring | training | strategic implementation | human resources | existing network | key connections | been there, done that advise | train your LATAM country manager | find business partners in LATAM countries | connect to opportunities | web image consultant agency | corporate identity | personal image | web presence |
• German-Latam Market Entry Projects
| Mittelstand | Export | Testing | no risk | testing on small budget | € 453 Budget | € 5.000 budget | check results | check sales output | get connected | existing distribution channels | expat manager network | make latin america export work for your company | go global - do not die in the intent | been there, done that advisors | expansion leicht gemacht |
• Internet Marketing Campaigns
| Germany | Latin America | € 453 Budget | € 5.000 budget | see results | test your market | find your customers online | existing channel network | spin doctor | imagen corporativa | imagen personal profesionales |
• Marine Business
| ship repair | oceanic business alliance™ | submarine yacht | floating platforms | floating infrastructure | port | marina | technology implementation | project supervision | GL survey |
• Real Estate Cartagena
| floating real estate | business development | floating homes cholon | advanced cement composite housing units | real estate paradigm shift | New-Atlantis™ | New-VENICE™ |
• Colombia special travel projects
| business connection trips | special tours | VIP |
• Logistics
| business | events | VIP | social events | stunning sets | best decoration | best spots | advisor | provider selection | provider negotiation | provider supervisison | implementation | management | experienced team | know how |
• Light shell architecture
| Concrete composite technology | GaleriaC | Mykonos | Zenfireplace | floating structures | garden landscaping | climbing rocks | floating rock | advanced cement composite sculpture |
| Paypal Token Buy | | Bitcoin Token Buy |
| Make a bitcoin payment to a bitcoin wallet with your normal credit card |
| Tried to purchase tokens but did not work |
| need a different solution - so i want to enter in direct communication |
Invest into a specific project rather than into a "Company"... (see project codes below )
Marketing Tokens
| Marketing-Token™ | Strategic-Partnership-Token ™ |
Marine tokens
| NemoToken™ | San-Jose-Token™ | Nautilus-Token™ | cartagena ship repair token | Floating-Marina-Token™ |
Colombia Business Tokens
| Business-Connection-Token™ | colombia-cattle-Token™ | global-real-estate-token™ | Colombia-Emerald-Token™ | safe-value-store-token™ |
| Floating-Medical-Platform-Token™ |
Real Estate
| NemoToken™ | Floating Clubbing Platform Token ™ | Floating-Marina-Token™ |
Other tokens …
| the above list of tokens is merely a selection, you can have your own specific token with a special agreement | contact | info@tolimared.com |
Background | Understand Tokens | example 1 tokenization of Art | example 2 tokenization of Real Estate |