| the need for a bow | wave impact | seasteading | Draupner |

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ship bow | wave impact | seeing a big ship in the harbor the height and size of the bow always looks so exagerated - seeing the same ship at sea that perception changes…a lot … the bow now seems “barley sufficient high and strong enough”

Make sure that your seastead has a adequate “recieving edge” for that kind of impacts.



as a captain you prefer to “take waves over the bow” for good reasons…so it is good if you have one…or you are so big that “any wave becomes a small wave” compared to your size.

The size class where you can start to neglect waves is “Maersk Tripple E Class” size of about 400m and weight of 30.000 containers…



bow on the seastead solving the wave problem | floating marina cartagena token
