| Nautilus-Token™ • nautilusmaker® • kfh896rva327 |

| Carsten Standfuss Design | | fast deep diving sphere cluster submarine | [euronaut]( Das EURONAUT U-Boot-Projekt v2.0) |

| Wilfried Ellmer | Prototype | early neighties | http://concretesubmarine.com |

| Deep Quest | sphere cluster boat | russian losharik |

| submarine yacht | advanced cement composite technology | Termite-Tech™ | ocean colonization technology |

Captain Nemo investigating ship-wrecks with the Nautilus in the Background | Captain Nemo was the “Heir of the Inca Treasure” according to Jules Verne |

context: San Jose Galeon the Flaggship of the Sunken Treasure Fleet worth 11 billion USD.

context: 800 Sunken Treasure Ships in Colombian Territorial Waters (according to the archive in Cartagena) - a “use it or loose it choice” for Colombia.

| international | cooperation | network | colombia | key player network | ocean colonization | advanced cement composite technology | @nautilusmaker | get connected |

Underwater Laser Imaging

state of the art underwater imaging technology

A Cable from Jules Verne to Simon Lake

What was “fiction” to the general public was actually “a investigation into the cutting edge of the submarine technology of his time” with a little imagination where this will lead to - inevitably.


Recovering a Secret Spy Satellite Capsule from 16,400 Feet

The Navy deep ocean grab

By Lee J. Mathers and Lieutenant Commander Beauford E. Myers, U.S. Navy


losharik submarine | sphere cluster concept | @nautilusmaker



san jose location area



| maximum size | concrete submarine yacht hull |

more context:

more connections | key player network