| oceanic hyperloop connections |

| hyperloop | elon musk | seasteading | tubular connections | solitaire | pipe laying ship | marine pipeline construction | oceanic construction | floating cities |

Construction Activities During the 21st Century will be Dominated by Concrete Sea Structures | P.K.Mehta |


One of the things that is much easier on the ocean than on land is putting tubular connections that bridge vast distances.

Solitaire is a floating factory that produces pipelines in an endless process while it moves on.

It is currently used for pipes that transport stuff like oil and gas, but it is certainly not far fetched to assume, that it could also be used (with few adaptions) to build oceanic hyperloop connections really fast and really cheap.

The hyperloop connections between New Venice and New Atlantis will be much more economic than a new highway between Washington and New York.

Actual Hyperloop tubing and construction video | those tube tracks can go over land underwater, under ground etc… but putting them in the ocean is by far the most efficient process to bridge large distances.
This adds a new angle to the vision of New-VENICE, New-Atlantis, Vent Base Alpha and connections between floating oceanic cities in general. Putting a track along a highway on land crossing all kind of properties is a "high interference project with a lot of “interference cost” associated to it. Putting them in the ocean is both interference free and extremly easy to engineer with a floating pipe laying factory type SOLITAIRE.

I hear Elon Musk is also getting invested in tunnel boring machinery…to move his project beyond “property negociations every few meters along the track”…

Like seasteading it is about " interference freedom ", “fast-track development”, and the opening of new frontiers on many levels.
