| gtr756pol865 | token color | classic NemoToken™ |

context | understand floating real estate |

The classic NemoToken™ is the backbone of our operation given the business model and the market size - we have room to grow.

context | the phase 1 investor key conversation |

context | advanced cement composite technology |

context | solving the seasteading technology bottleneck |

The strategy of the NemoToken™

The idea behind the NemoToken™ is to enable everybody to participate in our venture.

The enthusiastic Kid

A kid fascinated by our venture can buy a single token for USD 5 and open a user on the forums . He will be part of the discussion, can read into the more advanced stuff the public has no access to. It is a USD 5 engagement and that is all.

The cautious interested in the topic of ocean colonization

They will buy a few NemoToken™ , stay in the loop, check on the technology, and see where the venture goes and enjoy the ride…to serious invest down the road if it looks convenient.

Investors looking for a constant capital yield of 10% for parking big amounts of money

The NemoToken™ will be appealing to them due to the business model of creating real estate where there was non. This provides a “constant value increase” not suceptible to fluctuations of money magic and speculation .

So the NemoToken™ is a good "store of value" where things can reasonably be expected to only go up, never down.
This makes being massivly invested into NemoToken™ a good business with little to worry about. It is basicly "investing into infrastructure" in a "emerging market" of "enormous size" and "high potential". A market that is ultmatly a real estate and housing market so investment as safe as it comes.
And you still get more yield than investment in S&P companies on average. (which gives lame 2% per year on average)

| NemoToken™ | google search | https://www.google.com/search?dcr=0&source=hp&ei=2qM8XJPSO7Lb5gLeoKngBA&q=gtr756pol865&btnK=Google+Search&oq=gtr756pol865&gs_l=psy-ab.3...856.856..2224...0.0..0.330.466.0j1j0j1

NemoToken™ | which value is captured by the token |

| floating homes | oceanic production sites | real estate paradigm shift |


| floating rock | advanced cement composite | seasteading |

| floating rock | advanced cement composite | seasteading | printing material | freeforming | oceanic construction | oceanic business alliance™ | nautilusmaker® |

| yook3™ |

Everybody can be part of our ventures now… | token list |
