| another folded seasteading project |

Actually most startups have difficulties to get USD 50 K to just “test an idea”… so it is not only a bit off realistic - it is “outlandish off”

There seems to be the idea that if you go big it looks less unrealistic … or has more chance to be touted by media…

What Thiel gave to TSI is like the Moose in the Forrest of the startup sector - the by far biggest animal around…and it came with the typical Thiel warning " don´t screw it up…

And even if investors go into a first round - they will not stay on board if you do not come up with big success (means ROI = return on investment) very quick.

The project management seems to have “absolutly no plans” and “never thought about” how to perform on that kind of naturally required frame parameters in a start up , or testing project…and that is not looking very good…

In a startup either you have a “very fast way to a quick ROI” or it is simply not feasible.

After all what they are having is a phase 1 investor conversation…and they seem to be unaware of that fact.

It is a kind of wrong universe, wrong planet, wrong view angle, wrong attention points, wrong elevator pitch… situation…

One needs to ask what was the real agenda behind it ? - it just seems to be too far off target to be accidentally…

If it where a project artificially created to discredit the seasteading cause in the media it would definitly be right on target…kind of operation mockingbird…to create the false narrative…

Seasteading is trying one ridiculous project after another and failing EVERY single time - so it is not really worth to think about…and certainly not to invest your money …

Big things have small beginnings…

Another interesting question :

Why are always the nonsensical aspects on big display in the media - while the good stuff gets periodicly deleted from the forums…?

Looking behind the scenes you will find that experts expect oceanic construction to be very big very soon (p.k.Mehta)…and insiders know that it is not feasible to put things that are oceanic under a central control of any kind.

The UN is spinning global ocean regulation intent after intent and failing …

So keeping serious investors away from seasteading (and ridiculize the base idea) must be top priority for the agenda of those who want central control of everything on the planet …

A future of humanity where there are city sized VENICE style population centers on the frontierless ocean, subdue to nobody, networking with everybody globally in collaborative networks without divisions and frontiers, powerd by clean renewable energy, it must be a nightmare for those people…

Kind of final nail in the coffin of the new world order…

So we should neither be surprised when the ocean control agenda is driven by Gislane Maxwell and Epstein, (who did not kill himself) nor the narrative gets heavyly distorted in the Media, trolled on forums, and the goofy projects seem to have resources and attention the good projects lack…

…time to wake up…

somebody said: | no need for conspiracy therories - that much non feasibility in seasteading concepts that cover the center narrative, is natural…

…sure (and Epstein killed himself…)

it´s a free world, you are free to think what ever you want…i am not here to change believe sistems… i am not here as an Evangelist… (that is Joe´s self declared mission)

I am here to get resonance from a few people who are ready, want to join our efforts, and bring up solutions.

…maybe nobody has a vested interest to troll the seasteading movement …and “social engineer” its “brand suicide”…

Nobody dedicates resources to twist the narrative, spin the media, create divisions, and undermine the credibility…

…and Gislane Maxwell is only a Philantroph…who cares about the oceans and the wellbeing of children…supporting the UN effort for an “equitable” ocean government…if you buy into that - be my guest…


I got kicked from Reddit for the comment above - so i assume it was “right on target” and therefore got the FLAK…