| andrej talk about materials | second page |

If I am following, the concrete mixing would start on the boat. It seems like it would be practical to build ‘cells’ of floating concrete on the boat, then clamp them together with mortar in the water to grow the platform…

(yes, I know it is not what you recommend for a curved structure, but what about a straight one?)

hello andrej

I suggest we offer a "croatia submarine yacht building token"

token code:


This is a combination of letters and numbers that brings up nothing on the search engine at the moment. When i am done with promoting typing in that code will bring up EVERYTHING about submarine yacht building with Andrej Peric in Croatia.

I offer to promote that token over my network - so russian oligarchs with their yachts seized can find what we offer on the search engines.

The idea is that everybody who searches stuff like

" non seizure yacht "

" global mobile captain nemo yacht "

" submarine luxury yacht "

Will find our offer - and contact us for further talks…

There will be a minimum amount of tokens that a customer needs to upfront to bring the project trough phase A " floating building site ramp up"

It makes sense to have a special "building site ramp up token" to set the costs for the site and the submarine properly apart...

“anp638suy634” (A)

To start you should have some thoughts about what is the montly salary you want to recieve to manage the site.

Also what you estimate as cost for purchasing the boat for getting started

Then what you estimate for travel and logistics costs to get the necessary stuff done.

The Token Page is here

Ok, let’s go for it then. Perhaps an oligarch or two may come our way… :slight_smile:

The order for your 200ton sub in Colombia shows that some interest does already exist. Have there been more inquiries, I wonder?

As I understand, if I were to open a ‘Mediterranean branch’ of this venture I would be working ‘for a foreign company’ and my salary would be classified as ‘an additional income’ for which I could only file taxes and that is all. Is that basically the only thing I should worry about, legally?

Thinking about the costs and basic requirements - your help will be needed for that of course. Here are some things to address:

  • the skipper permit. I don’t have one. For the purpose of floating construction not far from coast the B category should suffice, this is around 120€. This permit applies to within 12 nautical miles from the coast (territorial waters). Going further requires ‘C’ which is a ‘professional one’ and costs 1000€. What is your advice regarding this, are there reasons to aim for the latter at this point or not?

  • the boat. Given the experience you will have a better idea of how much size is needed to start. My idea for a floating living quarters is be something like this:


This is a used wooden boat, 8x2.30 m, of the lowest price I could find for this size - 10000€. What do you think?

As for the salary and logistics, we need to proceed with our practical discussion for me to start making estimates (work-hours, equipment, materials, etc.)

That sounds all good - so let´s move that forward…

Step one is to engage that yacht billionaire in internet and get him to fund a project.

The communication line is, this is a spin-off of the original @nautilusmaker project in the mediterranian…

Any pointers on what should I do on my end? (where to promote, should I circulate the idea on some forums, or open a website, etc. And if so, what would be some essential things to mention (or not to mention), and so on.

You should have thoughts about what is your

"elevator pitch" | the short talk you would give in a few seconds during an elevator ride with an investor to make your argument…

forums, website, whatever you see fit…

I will do what i can on my end - we might learn stuff in the process …

Ok, I’ll see what I can do then…

Hello Wil,

Sorry about the long ‘inactivity’.
That is because I didn’t have anything finished yet.
So, here are some updates…

The project still stands. The situation regarding my ability to do any practical work remains unchanged at this point, so it is all in the theoretical phase. Based on my original motivations as well as the topics /issues that we talked about or mentioned, I came up with an essay /report which I put on the website: https://diybiostasis.wordpress.com/ . I think the PDF version looks better: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19FBc0KVYWkOo9msrjtIY-HhAFDC8b86H/view?usp=sharing

It is not really a promotion or “sales pitch” page, but a “background”, a resource for people who may want to see “arguments” as to why this could work and how it fits in the overall context of things. I outline different purposes, opportunities, perspectives.

I’ve already posted the link and talked a bit about it on the forums and e-mail-lists where I used to be active (futurism, transhumanis, cryonics, etc). Cryonics niche seemed like a place to start because these people are not foreign to “unconventional”, the bulk of them are libertarians, mostly well-off and there are quite a few millionaires (silicon valley people, software, bitcoin), and of course we have corresponded before.

I am looking to expand the offer to other web places where I would focus just on the “submarine-yacht” concept and little else - taking note of such potential sites. If you have any ideas which niches might be favorable for this, please let me know.

How is it going on your side? Have you had any inquiries, or success in promotion?

That is basically all for now. I’ll notify you of my further efforts…


I forgot to mention that there has been some “practical” work after all. Behold my thin shell oceanic structure:
But this is just for laughs…