Advanced Cement Composites
context : automated printing | termite-tech | projected concrete | gunnite | free-forming methods | real estate paradigm change |
• automated printing of building sized structures is on the brink to become something feasible …
3D Concrete Printer in the Philippines
• Having a sophisticated mass production line for floating housing units is on the table.
• The produced housing units can be distributed globally and effortless with little cost - on the watersurface of the planet - this opens possibilities of international global sales - normaly not available for real estate projects which are restrained to local building lots.
• This promises major leaps forward in cost per squaremeter and production efficiency.
• It is also a construction method where round shapes are not more expensive to perform than boxy shapes. This favors dome, shell, and bubble cluster construction for a Draupner impact safe floating city.
• light materials can be printed directly on the watersurface (on a sheet of plastic) - the existance of a “building lot” as most critical (and expensive) ingredient of a real estate development becomes obsolete and innecessary.
• All this sums up to a “Mayor Paradigm Change” in real estate development.
• With a population of 7,5 Billion (with a B) the whole topic of “creating housing units” needs this rapid paradigm change - suburban housing development is reaching its limits everywhere.